View Our Monthly Menu & Nutrition Guidelines
A Balanced Diet is Key for Development
Learning Stages Monthly Menu
Resources for Promoting Good Nutrition
We encourage parents to visit the USDA “Choose My Plates” guide according to age. Preschoolers love to mimic their parents and adults around them. When offered a healthy variety of foods those experiences introduce and foster good eating habits. Children develop eating habits through early eating experiences and it may take more than ten tries for a child to accept new food and develop their taste buds.
Meal time is enjoyable and we encourage our students to try new foods by describing color, feel and flavor. We recommend snack time to have two options per snack of two different food groups like fruit or veggies paired with crackers or cheese and water to drink. We also recommend at lunch time to have three options of three food groups: protein, veggies and fruit with milk to drink.
Feeding Infants (Birth – 17 months)
During the first year, infants experience more changes in diet than at any other time in life. Infant’s growth and development of motor skills progress very quickly from suckling liquids to being spoon fed and feeding themselves table foods. Each child’s progress is at their own pace. Adult interaction influences an infant’s development of self-feeding skills and acceptance of a variety of foods.
Feeding Toddlers (18 months – 3 years)
As toddlers explore and gain control over themselves and their environment, they begin to take more responsibility for what and how much they eat. The adults’ role is to help the child establish a positive attitude towards eating and offering a nutritional diet.